Thursday, April 16, 2009

Inspired Again

I started painting with house paint recently--the kind that people return because they end up not liking the color. Makes sense, because some of the colors I've picked up are pretty intense.

Switching from oils to latex house paint has been such a blessing. I feel so free. I'm finding myself painting much more expressively and I'm actually having "fun" again. Plus, I'm painting on panels of wood that take me absolutely no time to prepare. Compared to building a frame, stretching the canvas and priming it--it's been such a breath of fresh air.

Anyway, here are two recent paintings. I did them both in the same session. The first is more of a quick gesture--I've wanted to get back into painting telephone poles in the open landscape. The second was inspired by a photo on Peter DeWitt's Photography site ( found in the "Summer Skies" Gallery. I love his photo because of the huge sky and the small strip of land at the bottom. It's just my take on it.




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